Non-Partisanship Policy By Factcheck India logo highlighting accurate and unbiased fact-checking services.

At FactCheck India, maintaining objectivity and neutrality in all fact-checking activities is paramount. Every article is crafted to reflect an unbiased representation of events and issues, regardless of the fact-checker’s personal beliefs or political opinions. This policy is designed to ensure that while employees may hold their own political views, these views must not influence their professional work. All content undergoes rigorous checks and re-checks to prevent the insertion of opinion or bias at any stage (detailed explanation here).

Prohibited Activities for Employees of FactCheck India:

i. Distributing political materials, whether in print, digital, or other formats
ii. Utilizing company resources, such as equipment, to produce or distribute political content
iii. Coercing individuals to participate in or abstain from political protests or movements
iv. Displaying badges, buttons, or clothing that express political opinions
v. Campaigning for or against any political party or candidate
vi. Encouraging or discouraging employees to vote in a particular way during elections
vii. Pressuring anyone to register or not register to vote
viii. Requesting or persuading employees to contribute to or refrain from contributing to a political party, candidate, or committee
ix. Compelling others to sign or abstain from signing petitions related to initiatives, referendums, recalls, or candidate nominations
x. Influencing people to apply for or avoid applying for absentee ballots
xi. Challenging or avoiding the challenge of someone offering to vote
xii. Threatening or intimidating individuals about their voting decisions
xiii. Taking any other action that restricts or hinders a person’s right to vote or participate in civic activities as an Indian citizen

This policy reinforces FactCheck India‘s dedication to impartial and fact-based reporting while ensuring that personal political inclinations do not interfere with the integrity of its fact-checking process.

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