Social media users commenting on this viral press release speculated that if Adani Group bribed officials in Kenya, they could potentially do the same in India.Adani Group unequivocally denied issuing any press release threatening Kenyan officials or protestors..

Claim: A press release allegedly issued by Adani Energy Solutions threatens Kenyan protestors and officials over the proposed handover of Nairobi’s Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) to the Adani Group.

Verdict: The press release is fake. Fact Check India confirmed this through an official statement on September 16, 2024, asserting that Adani Group never issued such a press release.

The Viral Claim:

A supposed press release, dated September 10, 2024, from Adani Energy Solutions, claimed to warn protestors in Kenya of serious consequences. The letter, allegedly signed by Krishna Dutt Tiwari, the country manager for Adani Energy Solutions in Kenya, implied that the company would expose Kenyan officials who had accepted bribes from Adani Group if the protests continued.

This document quickly gained traction on social media, with users suggesting that if Adani Group was involved in bribery in Kenya, they might be engaging in similar activities in other countries like India.

Fact-Check Breakdown:

Fact Check India investigated the document and confirmed it to be fabricated. Adani Group addressed this viral press release on September 16, 2024, denying its authenticity and any involvement in its creation.

Evidence Against the Claim:

  1. Adani Group’s Official Statement: The company released an official statement on September 16, 2024, denying any association with the viral press release. The statement is available on the Adani Group’s website, where they clearly refuted the claims.
  2. Unprofessional Language: The language used in the viral document is inconsistent with corporate communication standards. Legitimate corporations do not admit to bribery or issue threats in their press releases.
  3. Formatting Issues: The document featured inconsistent paragraph breaks, another sign that it was not a professionally issued press release.
  4. Date Format Inconsistency: The date format in the viral letter differs from that used in official Adani Group communications, further suggesting the document is forged.

Context: Adani Group in Kenya

The hoax appeared amid growing attention to Adani Group’s operations in Kenya. The Kenyan government proposed leasing the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (JKIA) to the Adani Group for 30 years, with a $1.85 billion investment for expanding the airport’s facilities. On September 11, 2024, hundreds of JKIA workers went on strike, protesting the potential takeover and voicing concerns about job losses. The protests led to flight delays and disruptions at the airport, but the strike ended after the government assured that no final contract would be signed without approval from the airport union.

Additionally, Adani Group was awarded a public-private partnership for building power transmission lines in Kenya, a project also mentioned in the fake press release.


The viral Adani Energy Solutions press release is a forgery. Adani Group has officially denied issuing such a statement. The false document was likely designed to mislead and cause public outrage. Adani Group has also announced plans to pursue legal action against those spreading the fake press release.

Verdict: Fake

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